
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška, Ljublajna, Slovenia

09:00 - 16:30
See more about the programme

 All Rights Reserved | Agilcon d.o.o.

Zagreb, Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9

Ljubljana, November 5th, 2024




12:30 - 13:00

Adopting Gecko: Case Study For Successful Adoption Of HR Technology

Key learnings:


  • Learn how PharmaS selected and implemented Gecko to align with their organizational needs and strategic goals
  • Understand how Gecko's functionalities helped streamline and improve efficiency in crucial HR processes

In this session, we will talk about our journey of selecting and implementing Gecko as PharmaS legacy HRIS, while focusing on its ability to meet our organizational needs and align with our strategic goals. We will share communication and engagement strategies we used for securing buy-in from management and employees. We’ll dive into how we motivated our colleagues to embrace the platform and how we in HR maximize its use. Additionally, we will highlight the various functionalities Gecko offers, and how it enabled us digitalize crucial HR processes, improving efficiency across the organization.


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