
Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Nova Ves 17, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

(1,5 h from Ljubljana, 3,5 h from Belgrade)

 All Rights Reserved | Agilcon d.o.o.

Zagreb, Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9

Zagreb, November 9th, 2023




15:00 - 15:30

Wind of Change – Is There Growth Without the Ability to Adapt?

Key learnings:


  • Do we have to change to ensure sustainability?
  • Why is it difficult to change the existing business model and what to do to make it happen?
  • What is the role of tools and systems in business transformation and how they can assist the transformation process?

Learn the tips and tricks that you can use to carry out effective transformations, including what to do and what not to do. Find out what is the main barrier to implementing change in your business. The lifespan of every business model is limited - ask yourself where you are today and how you can aid your organisation in establishing a sustainable business model.


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